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Mogok Bronzy Sapphire Cab

SKU: AZG0082 | 6465 Total Views

  US $250 
1 pcs
Classification   Sapphire

Location  Bangkok Thailand

Shape  Oval

Approx. Weight  356.83 Carats

Approx. Dimensions 48.00 x 45.15 x 14.60 mm

Origin  Mogok Burma

Owner's Description  

Mogok Bronzy Sapphire Cab

A true Mogok bronzy, this sapphire weighs 356 carats. It is round in shape and is a flatish stone with a big "spread". This main feature of this gem is the "instense" moving "sheen" and the interesting growth structure in gold against the black background. The stone displays "thin sheets" growth "layers" illustrating potential breakage and fragility as compared to other corundums with a more solidity. A study stone with more to talk about.

LA/Dec 11,2015


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